As you might have noticed, our site has been off-line for a few weeks. There was a hiccup with our host server. Then family priorities got in the way, but it should be resolved now. If you have any issues, don’t hesitate to let us know using the Contact Us link above. … Continue reading
Sleep Sense Review: 6 month follow up
The past year has been an exciting one with the birth of our little girl and our move from Japan to France. The following year was busy as well with another move abroad. And how was our little girl sleeping? Well, there have been ups and downs, but the basics we learned from the Sleep Sense program … Continue reading
Sleep Sense Review: Goodbye Sleepless Nights!
Heads up: Some of our posts contain affiliate links! If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commission, which helps keep this website up. Thanks!
Perhaps you’ve come across Dana Obleman’s Sleep Sense program while looking for solutions to get your baby to … Continue reading
Also Confused by Too Much Advice?
We’re lucky nowadays. Thanks to the internet we have an almost unlimited amount of information at our fingertips. The whole point of Google was to help find the information you were looking for. So if you are suffering from sleepless nights then you’ve already tried to find some solutions. But, a search for baby sleep advice … Continue reading
Don’t pay full price for the Sleep Sense program
Sleep Sense Discount Cash Back Link
Heads up: Some of our posts contain affiliate links! If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commission, which helps keep this website up. Thanks!
If you would like to save money on the Sleep Sense program then please use this … Continue reading
8 Surefire Solutions to Calm our Newborn
Few things are more frustrating than trying to soothe a crying baby, especially during the first few weeks. She might be (1) hungry, (2) tired, (3) need a diaper change, or (4) none of the above. After a while you give up trying to figure out why is she crying, and just want to know how … Continue reading
Set Goals Before Starting Sleep Training

Before you jump into sleep training (or anything else really.) Ask yourself the following questions:
- What are you specifically hoping to get out of sleep training?
- What specific changes do you hope to see?
- How do you want your child’s sleep to be different?
- How do you want to feel when this is all over?
Set up your Baby’s Bed Time Routine in 3 Simple Steps
Today, we’ll look at how to set up a simple Bed Time routine together.
For many parents bedtime is when we have to use our ninja techniques to get baby to sleep and not wake her up when you put her in the crib. It can also involve a lot of fussing, fighting, tantrums, crying, stalling, etc. … Continue reading
Does your baby also have trouble sleeping?
Welcome to the club! Lack of sleep is the newborn’s parents badge of honor. We compare our stories with other parents and proudly show up to work with bags under our eyes. Everyone’s gone through those initial sleepless nights. But the joy of being a parent wears off pretty quick. Especially with our little bundle … Continue reading